Thursday, June 18, 2015

Recovery time!

Recovery has still been going smoothly since my last post. There's only a few major things I notice that aren't resolving themselves right away: I lost another eyelash (THE HORROR,) insomnia, dry skin, and puffy/bags under the eyes.

And sadly, we have a new side effect. Which I don't think is fair at all considering chemo is OVER. I'm starting to get all these horrible pains in my lower legs and feet. I've Googled (duh) and apparently that's pretty normal after chemo. It comes and goes. We went to see Thomas the Train at the GB train museum and towards the end of the day I was in so much pain from all the walking. I'm not big on taking pain killers- I never was during this whole treatment really so I'm trying to tough it out. I'll ask the nurses about it next time I go for blood work. Yes, we're still doing blood work. Monday should be my last day getting it! (At least until my three month checkup)

Saturday will be three weeks since chemo ended. Saturday is also my PET scan. I've talked before about scanxiety on here so I hope you're familiar with the term. Here's a helpful chart:

scans=anxiety=instant claustrophobia

Seems logical, right? I think cancer survivors get some PTSD from all this crap. And that's reasonable. Who could go through a scan without it reminding them of the initial diagnosis period? The PET scan takes two friggen hours which sucks. But at least it's one of the last steps to being done. I keep having nightmares about the whole thing so I really just can't wait until it's over.

And then we get to take my PORT out! WOOHOO! I've been told the procedure is way easier than it going in. I wonder if Dr. Dreamboat will get to do it. Hmmmm.

I'm going to be brave and share something I haven't shared too often.

I want to document the hair growth because I loveeee when I'm told my blog helps others with cancer so I want to keep the information train going. Let's see how long it takes!

Here's the starting point:

Baldy bald bald. There's a wee bit of stubble (can't see but feel) and we're at the three week mark. I'll post another picture once we have something noticeable. Let's see how long this takes! I've been told six weeks for it to start growing and mine is already growing so hopefully I'll have some fuzz by the six week mark.

On the opposite end of the spectrum I noticed when I pin back my blonde wig with bobby pins it looks like my hair did when I wore it up!

I look like me!!!! I can't even express how happy that made me. 

I'll update everyone on how my scan goes. I'd like to dig deeper into that scanxiety business. Now that I'm recovering my natural academic tendacies are whirling in my brain. I want to write a post about what parenting while having cancer is like too. 

Stay tuned- I'm not done writing yet!

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