I promised that I would keep updating on the progress of my hair. Three weeks after my last chemotherapy treatment (always counting from the last day) I had a few pieces of stubble. You couldn't see them but I could feel those little buggars pushing through my scalp. Here is a close up of my big ole egg. Can you see it?!
That's right folks. I have official hair growing. It's super bright blonde and it's fuzzy. I have fuzz! I'd say it's about 1/2 inch long. So we have a ways to go.
Tomorrow will mark nine weeks since my last chemotherapy treatment. It's starting to feel like another lifetime that I went through this. Remember all that repressing I like to do? My mind is working hard to try to shove all these cancer memories down into a little box and put them away in storage. But it's not so easy to do when you're bald. You're reminded every morning when you decide what color hair you'd like to have that day. You're reminded when you want to take your son to the pool and you have the agonizing back and forth in the car to go wigless (and be stared at) or risk getting your $300 wig wet. You're reminded at the end of the day when the first thing you do is rip that wig right off your head.
I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this experience but I sure can't wait to not have to be reminded of it every time I stare in the mirror.
That is one big reason why my regrowth is such an obsession for me right now. I cannot wait to feel completely like myself again. I miss my hair every day, every second, every moment. It's like a constant ache. I feel like I'm dealing with it worse now than I did when I first lost it. I was too wrapped up in battling cancer, suffering from chemo, and being a horribly appropriate combination of brave and terrified. Now I feel healthy, I'm living my dream, everything is happy, successful, and wonderful. But I'm friggen bald. That big ole bald head reminds me that life wasn't always sunshine.
It'd be nice to have just natural hair. No awkward pauses when someone compliments my awesome hair or asks me what salon did my dye job. I want to have my own hair. No more dealing with the pain of hat headache for hours at a stretch. Plus not having a melting wig on your head in 100 degree Colorado sun would be great too. Sure would make dating less daunting when I decide to entertain the idea. And it would avoid the possibilities of...
Insert PG-13 make out session. Smooch, smooch. Passionate 90's TV show hair grab. "Oh my gawd! Your hair just fell off!! I ripped your hair off!" Screaming for the hills.
Err, right?
Yeah, that sounds awkward. Is the fact you're wearing a wig first date table talk or do you just surprise them when they least expect it?
Now that could just be a fun game.
"Well hey there, Bob. What a nice day today, I feel like a nice breeze on my follicles." Rip off wig. Wait for reaction.
I don't like to date anyways. I don't like dealing with man needs. Pizza doesn't ask me to cuddle. Even though I'd probably like to cuddle with pizza.
Did I get off topic?
My eyelashes are BACK. I have official eyelashes. I use the term official because now they're long enough to put mascara on! And they're way thicker than they were before chemotherapy. So I guess I can forgive the chemo for being such a bastard and making them fall out after my last treatment. My eyebrows are back now and are already in need of a nice reshaping wax. Which I am terrified to do just yet. What if I piss them off and they all fall out? Better be nice to them for now.
It's too bad as a culture that we put so much emphasis on standardized female beauty. It's a pity that in order to feel beautiful, I feel that I need to put on a wig. Despite all the feminism coursing through my veins like Buffy (the vampire slayer) juice I still can't escape my own insecurities. Insecurities that have been force fed to me through years of television, advertisement, and popular culture brainwashing. But as I've discussed many, many times on here- hair is so central to our identity as human beings. Even more so for women. Are we wrong to put on wigs in order to feel like a normal and healthy woman? Does that make any of us less feminist for doing so? I don't think so.
I wish I could feel just as good without them. Because they sure are uncomfortable.
But day by day we're getting closer. The nurses told me the standard rate of hair growth is 1/2 inch per month. That sucks. But hey, maybe my hair will grow faster and surprise me.
I'll update on the hair progress as we go!
I have a big event coming up- at least as far as cancer survivor news goes. I signed up for a cancer mountain retreat/hike! It's all free and paid for by a wonderful group called Live by Living. They're going to take us up into the mountains where we will do yoga, meditation, and all sorts of healing techniques. This is going to be real outdoors kids. No electricity, just solar power. I'll take lots of pictures so I can share on the blog. I'm really excited. My sister Angela is going with me so it will be really fun. I think this will be really good for me. I need to connect with spirituality again. I need to refresh myself from my bitterness and just relax with nature. I need to have faith in my body again. It will be a great experience. I hope. As long as I don't fall off a mountain.
So keep an eye out for my next blog post! I will talk about my cancer survivor hike and I am sure that will be an enlightening post full of entertaining stories about my first time roughing it in the wilderness.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
Post-Chemo Update
Well, we have some exciting news kids.
I can drink COFFEE again!!! I can taste it!
See what I did there? (Thanks Puta for the Grumppuccino)
We are now almost six weeks from the last day of my last chemotherapy treatment. So far we have seen improvement in many different areas. My taste buds are back in full force! Coffee, taco dip, it all tastes good again. I might have ate everything I could get my hands on once that happened.
My eyelashes are growing back and they're coming in thicker! They're about half the length of a normal eyelash at this point.
No such luck on the eyebrows. I might have a handful of little hairs left and they fall out whenever I touch them. Maybe they'll start picking up the pace. Thankfully, with bangs it doesn't matter much anyways.
But the real exciting news is the past week the hair on my head has taken off full speed! My head is now covered with a very blonde peach fuzz. It's super, super tiny but it's there and growing fast. Not fast enough to give me some real friggen hair but I know it will take time. I just can't wait to give up wigs. So over wearing wigs. They have become ten times more uncomfortable now that my hair is growing back too. It's like wearing an itchy, hairy hat all day.
The pain in my legs and feet has drastically improved. They still hurt consistently in the evening if I've had a long day but nowhere near the pain I was feeling a few weeks ago.
No more nausea, no more insomnia, and no more bone pain. Those three were some of the worst. I was very happy to throw out all my medication for these bad boys.
The fatigue is the one sucker that is hanging on pretty good. I have a really hard time waking up early like i used to and returning to my old schedule of springing out of bed at 6am. I hope that goes away soon.
Emotionally I feel pretty good. The more time that goes on the more I feel that I really can put this behind me. I know that the first checkup CT scan and meeting with my new oncologist in September for follow ups will be hard but I'm a tough cookie. You have to live your life. Live it, love it, enjoy it. It's a ticking clock, this beautiful thing we call existence. It can be snuffed out so quickly. Called into question so fast. I will never waste another minute.
I won't know if I can have more kids for a long time yet. The docs say it takes a year for the female body to return to a regular cycle OR not to show that the menopause is here to stay. But honestly, that's okay. I feel at this point Adrian is all I need. I can focus more time, love, resources, and attention on him if he's an only child. I am at peace with whatever happens with my fertility. Take it, leave it. I am just grateful to have the one beautiful little boy I do have and know that I am alive and healthy to take care of him.
These hot flashes friggen suck though.
My port removal incision is healing up nice but it's leaving me with a giant battle scar. Sigh. But hey, I just won a battle didn't I? Every warriror needs their battle scar to prove it.
I'll update on my "hair" once it's long enough to see without pressing my nose to a mirror.
Speaking of living life, we start our new beginning in Colorado this week. I am beyond excited to go home, be closer to all of our family, and to start my new career and grad program. Our townhouse looks amazing- that giant kitchen is going to be wonderful. Adrian's elementary school seems fantastic and I've already signed up to be on the PTO. (Parent Teacher Organization.. no longer called PTA these days) Adrian is super excited to be near his cousins and he's begging me to do soccer or karate. I am so beyond grateful that despite the horrible circumstance of being diagnosed with cancer that I was still able to graduate, accept my graduate admission, and make this transition happen so I can give Adrian the best life imaginable. Finally, all those years of hard work in my undergrad paid off.
Looks like everything is turning out just right. The calm after the storm.
It's going to be hard leaving Manitowoc behind but I think it's helpful that beating cancer and the move ended up falling into place the way they did. There's so many memories here now that scream 'CANCER' at me. I drive past Aurora Medical Center on memorial drive and I get a shiver. Even though the cancer cliniic there was the best ever, it brings back so many memories. I will neverr forget them but it'll be nice to not have to be reminded on a daily basis either.
The one thing that really bums me out is leaving my brother and all my wonderful friends behind. So many people really went above and beyond for me during my diagnosis and treatment. It's a shame I can't bring you all with me. Being faced with a life threatening condition will really show you who the people are in your life that truly care about you. Cancer showed me how wonderful and lucky I am to have such amazing friends and family. It also showed me that having cancer doesn't necessarily protect you from people that are soulless and heartless. Disease can be funny that way.
I will miss you alll, my Manitowoc loves. I will be back to visit and I will be sure to stay in touch.
Keep checking back for more post-chemo hair regrowth updates! And I have an intersting cancer survivor hike into the mountains coming up- let's start taking bets now on how many hours I can last without technology.
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