Monday, June 22, 2015

The results are in....

My pet scan results came back and I am cancer free!!!! I am 100% positively in remission!! 
It's funny how I never cried at the beginning but today I burst into tears at hearing the news.

This is my happy dance: 

Or more like some jumping. The picture didn't turn out as awesome as I thought it might. This one is a bit better:


I am so happy and grateful. I am alive. I am healthy. 

And to top it off? My oncologist is very optimistic that I won't be infertile after this - I might be able to have more kids! Which I don't know yet if I want more but it's nice to have the option. 

Speaking of kids- I have one happy little boy right now. He made me a "Happy Done with Chemo card"-

He said that this is me and him holding hands because I'm all better. And yes, this definitely cued more tears. I love him so much I could burst.

So many happy tears today. I have never appreciated life and health more. I have never been more grateful. I feel like I can finally breathe again. I have survived the worst trial life has ever given me. I made it. 

I am all scheduled to have my port removed on Thursday! Apparently it's easy peasy- some numbing shots, a small incision, and they pull it right out. Don't worry- I'll blog about it!

And then I don't need to do anything oncology related until my check up scans! Woohoo!!!

Thank you everyone for the love and support. It has meant the world to me. I had never felt how wonderful humanity can be until I battled cancer.