Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day One and two of my LAST treatment!

Yesterday was day one of my sixth and FINAL treatment!!!

It started off good. My bloodwork was great, all my side effects were gone from the fifth treatment, and the first clinic infusion went smoothly. No allergic reactions and no issues. We started the pump in the afternoon and I was sent on my way.

Day One!
Now we're on day two and still not feeling too bad. A little tired but so far not having any nausea which is amazing. Thank goodness for steroids- they really do wonders for settling your stomach.

So now the next few days I will get my bag of fluids at the clinic, anti-nausea IV, and they'll change my pump. Saturday I will have my last dosage in the hospital so that will be a longer day. But Saturday is also the LAST day. They will unhook me from the chemo bag and that will be my final treatment! I am so excited to have this all done with. This week is going to go so slow just because I want it to be over with so bad. Sunday I will get the bone marrow shot (hate that thing) and fluids and then it will just be a week to recover so I can bounce back to normal.

Hey, last time to get that bone marrow shot I hate so much too. :D

I'm dreading the side effects but at least I know this is the last time I'm going to feel like this. And then I can recover, I can lose the weight the steroids made me gain (stupid steroids,) my hair will grow back, and my life can resume as scheduled. 

Almost there, almost there, almost there!!

Day Two!
My PET scan is scheduled for June 20th. I am so stoked to get that done with. I have a feeling this PET scan will be a happier one than the initial one. I still hate how you have to lay in the dark before you go in the scanner- yuck. I better bring grumpy cat with me for old times sake. I'll get the results of that on June 22nd and then that week I will get my port out up at Baycare as long as the results are good. Which they will be since the CAT scan showed no cancer. He didn't even think we needed to do a PET scan after this last treatment but I want to be 100% reassured. Cancer's a little scary. (Duh)

And I will officially be done! Even though I'm technically in remission none of it feels real until this chemo is done and that port is out of me.

Funny story: my oncologist asked me what the surgeon's name was that put my port in and I totally blanked because of all the hunk jokes I made on this blog. All I could think of was- Dr. Biceps? Dr. Hot Pants? Dr. Bedroom Eyes? Dr. McLovin? 

It's probably less awkward that I just told him I couldn't remember. Because I honestly can't remember his real name! haha. Apparently the surgeon that put your port in has to be the one that takes it out. That's fine with me though- I'd rather have it done up at Baycare. It's farmiliar since I had all my surgery/biopsy stuff done there ayways. And thank goodness they keep records because apparently I can't remember anyone's name half the time. 

And just because I haven't shared a gross picture in awhile- this is what it looks like when my port is accessed. Of course, you can't see any of the good stuff because of the tape. There's a big ole needle under that five pounds of tape and wrappings. The tape hurts more than the needle. Seriously. I have to have it taped on my tummy too so I don't accidently stand up without my chemo bag (which I do a lot) and rip it out. 

Yuck. Can't wait to have a break from needle pokes in the chest.

I've had the greatest support system through all this- I can't thank my family, friends, school community, and nurses enough. <3 Like the bracelets say that UW-Manitowoc student senate made for me: "No one fights alone." 

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