Thursday, May 21, 2015

The end stretch!

The past few days have been good and I've been feeling really good! Been spending every minute I can running around enjoying having an awesome energy level.

Blah, blah- I should rest.

I've never been good at resting.

Usually at the end of the day I'm pretty wiped out. I've been going to bed at the same time as Adrian for quite awhile now. I can't wait to stay up late again but now I just can't do it!

Lost a few top eyelashes today. The rest are hanging strong. The skin around my eyes is burning and super ouchy so I don't know if that's because of the eyelashes falling out? My face is just pissed? I still have a lot left so hoping they stay. Please troops, please. We're almost there. 

Thank you to those that have sent me graduation cards- I appreciate it so much! 

Today I met with my oncologist homeboy (can I call him that?) and that went well. My blood counts are great so that means we are a go ahead to start my LAST TREATMENT on Tuesday.

Which I am dreading. Absolutely dreading it. I know it's the last one and after that it's OVER. But I also know I'm going to feel like junk that week afterwards so it's hard to be like 'oh yay, chemo!'

I posted this on Facebook right after I was diagnosed so it's fitting to post it again now.

Oh, John. He's always got the best advice. Don't judge my John Wayne admiration. He's the coolest.

I think these last two rounds have been so hard because I know that the cancer is gone and I just want to be done. It was easier when it was still there. If that makes sense. But this treatment plan is so successful because it's six rounds so we have to stick to the plan. 

I better take advantage of the return of my taste buds now and gorge myself on food the next four days. Mmmmm, food. 

Today at my appointment we talked 'survivor' talk which is exciting. After this last round on Tuesday we'll do the PET scan (even though the CAT scan was fabulous we still have to check- just in case) and then take my port out. After that I will just need some type of x-ray/scan and blood work every three months to keep an eye on things. 

And thank goodness, he said that getting the port removed is WAY less painful than getting it put back in. I'm not sure if you kids remember my earlier blog posts about how much that sucked but scroll back and take a look- yikes. So that's relieving. I wonder if I'll have Dr. Biceps for my port removal again at Baycare. :D :D :D

I really hope that guy never reads my blog because honestly I'm just having fun with nicknames at this point.

So deep breaths. Almost there. Going to make the most out of the next four days and then Tuesday the fun starts. I can't wait to feel totally normal again. No port. No chemo. No fluids. And then I can move on to the next step in our lives. Colorado, graduate school, teaching, kindergarten, mountains. All the good things are coming.

And geez guys, my hair will start growing back. :) 

But gosh... I do love this short blonde wig. I might have to take up this hairstyle when my OWN blonde hair returns. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your hair. Love the color and style. Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend. Summer is finally here (well not in Colorado where it has rained for 30 days) but summer is somewhere. Hopefully in Manitowoc.
