Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day Two! Sunshine and rainbows!

Well, maybe no rainbows. But certainly sunshine! I can't stress enough how HAPPY I am not to be in the hospital right now. Happy, happy, happy! What a difference this is making on my mental health through this process. YAHOO!

Woke up feeling pretty decent just a little tired. Had my steroids and that certainly boosted my energy. Those things make me so hyper. Which I notice way more now that I'm not in the hospital because now I have the freedom to actually go DO something.

We enjoyed the sunshine today- went to the park after school and took a walk on the beach with my mom and Adrian. Adrian was in heaven and so was I. Nothing like some sunshine and quality family time to lift your spirits.

After that had to pop in the clinic for a fluid boost and a refill on my chemo bag. That will be the routine until Friday- just have to come in once a day for fluids and more chemo and then I can go home again.

Got a beautiful bracelet, a stress ball, and a pin from at the clinic today from this organization called Angel On My Shoulders:

The writing on the bracelet has this saying on it which is just wonderful:

What Cancer Cannot Do:

It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot quench the spirit.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.

Awesome. And so true. So that was a nice freebie. :)

My CT scan is all scheduled for next week so I am excited to get that done. Seeing the tumor pretty much vanquished on the x-ray is nice and all but I want percentages. We know there's some left but HOW much? I want details. All the details. It's weird when you're going through this: I wasn't nearly as excited about my good results as I should have been. I think it's because even though they're good I knew I still had to undergo all these treatments. I'm happy it's working (duh) but it's hard to feel over the moon about anything until this chemo is done with. Every bad day feels a century long while the good days whisk by so fast you barely can enjoy them. 

But I'm a fighter. I always have been in every other aspect of my life and this is no different.

Cancer picked the wrong bizznitch to mess with. 

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