Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chemo: My New Day Job

Only two more days (including today) and I am done with this round of treatment for two weeks!

Woooohoooo baby, freedom!

So far my side effects have been increasing on a daily basis but they're not as bad as I thought they'd be. We're up to: loss of appetite, constant nausea, nosebleeds, and bone pain.


I didn't know that was a thing until now. I didn't realize your bones COULD hurt. But oh, they do. Apparently it's more common in young women. Just like my cancer.

Guess I'm just a special little lady!

But it's okay, they've been feeding me drugs to help ease the pain. They barely work but I birthed a nine pound baby I think I can handle some bone pain. Most of the time. I can't wait to be free and have a break from this. A little freaked out for my 'low blood cell' danger zone week when apparently all the shit hits the fan. Or so they say, in nursing terms.

I guess I'll get a bubble to live in.

But almost to freedom! My chemo job for this week is almost done and then I can enjoy more time with my family. And especially that little boy of mine who is just missing me like crazy.

We had some awesome bonding time during chemo yesterday.

Found this in the gift shop and we had a painting party. Then we cuddled in bed and watched Beethoven. I just love this little guy to pieces. He's doing so well with everything. Probably because I'm doing so well. Better keep that up!

Just a few more months of this chemo job (hopefully- I don't want any surprises!) and I can quit and move on to better horizons.

Cancer was like a big FU to the middle of my routine, my last semester at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, my awesome campus jobs, and most of all- my household. I may not be able to work but I will NOT give up on school. And I haven't. Plugging away like a little solider. Thank goodness for the internet. No one will tell me what I can't do! (Lost reference, anyone?)

But we've been juggling and it's just like any other time consuming job. Off to the chemo mines I go! My mom has been a godsend during this. Love ya momma.  

It will be okay. I know this. And the bright side, by the time my chemo is done it'll be summer and that is when everything is beautiful again. 

And when things get dark and depressing. Because sometimes that's unavoidable. You can't help but look around and go, "WHY ME? Why now? This isn't FAIR!" And that is all true. Because it's not fair. Some stupid dividing cells had to cause havoc in my perfectly ordered and planned life. So what to do when those feelings hit? Call up your oldest and dearest (thanks for driving up!) and have a pudding party.

Chemo Pudding Party!

1 comment:

  1. You'll get that book deal outta all this! Promise me a signed copy. :) Awesome painting by your little guy too! -Kimm
