Friday, February 13, 2015

The Interweb Is A Scary Place

Today is day one of chemotherapy. I am sure I will have plenty of good writing material throughout the day. It'd be even better if I could make a quirky chemo friend but it's highly unlikely I'll find someone at chemo with a matching sense of humor.

Pro tip: if your oncologist has told you NOT to Google things- why in the world would you do it right before it's time to leave for chemo?

That's just silly. Especially when you find someone who's decided to write a cancer blog of terror. No grumpy cats. Just plenty of horror chemo stories. Maybe I'll have a few of my own after this but I'm still gonna dilute them with grumpy cats. 

I keep feeling like the instant they start the IV my hair is going to fly right out of my head. The most likely of scenarios. It will all just pop out. Instantly. 

Nope nope nope. Screw that- we need optimism! We're off to kill that tumor. I am Lancelot. I am Hildegard. I am Judith. Maybe I should have a chemo sword. 

No sword but I do have kiddo's magic bubble gum. <3 


  1. You are Michonne, with your badass katana sword, ready to whack the hell out of that wimpy tumor that mistakenly thought it could take up residence in your clean, vegetarian, young body!!!

    1. Yeah!!!! Do you think they'd let me bring a sword to chemo?
