Saturday, February 21, 2015

Phase Two is Complete!

So remember I said I was going to chop all my hair off? Every last bit? And donate it to a worthy hair charity?

Yeah, I did that today.

Oh my gawd where did my hair go?!

This really wasn't as upsetting as I thought it would be. I was pretty resigned to the idea long before the haircut today so really it was no biggie. No tears of agony, no curling up with the hair pieces on the floor.

We brought Adrian along because we thought that'd be helpful for him to see mommy at this stage with her hair. So we're going to do a little picture slide show of the best cut moments.

I feel like a giant nerd when I put the glasses on but I AM a giant nerd so maybe it's better to accept it.

I like it. It's freeing. I feel liberated from all that hair agony I was going through on a daily basis. There's no need to have a daily hair funeral and I feel like I was close to on my way. No need to package it up in a little mini hearse and stage some speeches. (Can we do speeches? I feel like that should still be an option)

No, it was good to get rid of it. And honestly, the convenience factor of not having a pile of hair to deal with on top of all my shitty chemo side effects is a big bright spot.

Thank you Salon 708 (Susan and Michelle, especially) for the haircut today. It was nice to take a piece back of my femininity and feel like I had the pants back on in that situation. And let's face it, anyone who knows me damn well knows I like to wear the pants anyways. So screw you chemo, I pick my own hairstyle.

Look at those pony tails! Donation time!

1 comment:

  1. New style is great! You look very smart and sophisticated.
