Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lindsay the Cancer Slayer!

Well, Risa brought me the most amazing prop today that will help with my cancer mischief.


I am Lindsay the Cancer Slayer. Which quickly turned into an epic Lightsaber/Sword battle with Grumpy Cat.

Sith Grumpy vs. Lindsay the Jedi Cancer Slayer.

I even made a gif because this was that important. We can do a still picture too for those of you that are prone to seizures. I don't want to cause any seizures. 

Sith Grumpy vs. Lindsay the Cancer Slayer

Notice Sith Grumpy's epic lightsaber and Sith lord hat. Grumpy cat and I have a complicated relationship. Sometimes he gives me comfort and sometimes I feel the need to attack him with a sword. It's okay. I suffer from random cancer rage blackouts. Not really. I just want an excuse to play with this awesome sword. 

Chemotherapy is more fun with visitors and I had some fabulous ones today. First I had some wonderful ladies come visit me:

Me with my lovely ladies- Alicia and Risa

Thanks ladies for the awesome hugs, girl talk, jogging, and beautiful gifts. I might have to sneak that scented candle in between the vital checks. I love you to pieces.

So far I haven't made a quirky chemo friend but the nurses are absolutely lovely. Marci (if you find this blog Marci- you're awesome) brought me an omelette this morning which totally made the big grumpy stick in my ass go away. Sometimes you'll have that. Pity parties are okay if they're brief and followed by either: an omelette or a cancer slaying sword. 

Pro tip: get yourself a chemo sword. 

And the number one visitor I had today:

Making himself at home.
Those faces!

Fight the cancer!
Kiddo had a full on blast visiting me at chemo this afternoon. It was fabulous. He made himself right at home and pushed all the buttons on the hospital bed. We raided the kitchen full of free crackers and he gave the cancer slaying sword a try. 

So far the chemo is going good. Only real side effects I've had are some weird chills and sweats. No real nausea yet but I have lost my appetite. Which sucks but hopefully it will come back. Forcing down some chips as we speak but it's not the same.

Cancer can be a bitch. You get the okay from the nutritionist to eat all the pizza you want and then you don't want any pizza.

But important notes: oncologist says the tumor is dying as we speak, I am handling the chemo better than most do so far, and I have wonderful friends and family to support me through this. Love you all.

I'll have to have another cancer slaying fight tomorrow. 

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