Sunday, March 29, 2015

Chemo Round Three Is Finished!!!

Wooohoooo! Chemo round three is done and over with! One step closer to remission!

Screw you cancer, we got this.

AND because I am an awesome, outspoken patient I got released early so no more hospital for me! I'm feeling pretty tired so today will be an easy day on the couch cuddling with the kiddo but it's way better than being in the hospital!

I want to thank all my wonderful friends from the bottom of my heart that have visited through this chemo treatment and for bringing me so many delicious snacks. Thank you for saving me from hospital food. It definitely reduced the stress and I thank you all so much. Love you guys!

So now I'm just waiting for the official okay and I can get out of here!

I have family in from Colorado this week so that is great. My dad and his girlfriend Sue are up here for a visit so it's nice to have some added family support. I hope that I'm feeling good tomorrow to enjoy my freedom.

The nurses were absolutely lovely during this hospital stay: if any of you ever find this blog- thank you for being so great to me and my son during this time. Nancy, Sue, Megan, and, Nick- you were all amazing.

I am so happy to have this third round done and be one step closer to this being a distant memory.

That's all for now folks- it's time for me to skip out of here and go eat some pizza!

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